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Travel Insurance is mandatory for travelling to Germany. You may get your travel insurance from any authorized insurance company or click here to get it now

Visa Types

Type of Visas

Schengen Short Stay Visa

Transit Visa & Schengen Visa

This category of visa caters for people wishing to stay in Germany for a period maximum 3 months

Type of Visas

German Intensive Course Visa

Language courses

The language courses are exclusively intensive language courses. The course must last at least 3 months and a maximum of 1 year.

Type of Visas

Blue Card Visa

Work (Blue Card)

With the EU Blue Card, highly qualified professionals and academics can apply for a simplified work permit for a limited period.

Type of Visas

National Student Visa


If you have already applied for admission to higher education schools/preparatory courses (Studienkolleg) in Germany

Type of Visas

National Opportunity Card visa

JOb Search

Opportunity Card

Interested foreign professionals, who have qualified vocational training or university studies, can move to Germany and stay there for a maximum of six months to look for a job.

Type of Visas

National Volunteering Visa



The contract must be signed by you and by the Office Federal Family Affairs and Civic Social Tasks, as well as by the entity in which the service will be provided and by the entity in charge of the execution of the volunteer service.

Type of Visas

National Researchers Visa



Researchers are considered to be those who have a doctoral degree or a professional degree suitable for admission to a doctoral program and have been selected by a research institute.

Type of Visas

Au Pair Visa


Au Pair

Au Pair helps the family take care of the children and helps with small household task. The duration of employment as an Au Pair is a máximum of one year with no possibility of extending the stay.

Type of Visas

National School Exchange / School Visit Visa

national school visit

School Exchange / School Visit Visa

It must be approved by the competent immigration authority in Germany is not for university students.